Urgent Prayer Request:
Just found out that my 86 year old Father-in-law Pa Bear, er, excuse me, Don Roth is in the hospital and has been in there for 6 days. It started out as a Bladder Infection and it has turned for the worse. He was supposed to have been transferred to a hospital in Yakima for Rehab. As soon as I can get my hubby awake and dressed we are on our way to see him in CCU.
He has had so much happen to him in such a short time. First he had open heart surgery to try a pig valve but it failed. Then he got a pacemaker put in. Then last year he had brain surgery to remove an 80ml blood clot. Then he had a foot of his intestine removed.
This is not the first Bladder infection he has had. But from what they say he is not doing well at all.
I know that at this point it seems that he has just given up on living. He has battled so hard.
I would love to see his suffering to end peacefully. There are mixed feelings in the family right now. This is especially hard on my mother-in-law Ma Bear, er, excuse me Dot Roth as she is still trying to adjust to living on her own in the next town over.
So could you please pray for us.

-The Journey of a lonely abused young girl who becomes a lovely Bride & Wife who suffers from multiple painful illnesses that are Chronic/Hidden and Mental Health issues. -She enjoys Crocheting, Altered Journals, Beading, Sewing, Quilting,Gardening, DIY furniture Flips when possible and Historical Romances. She also loves poetry. But most of all the Victorian Era of Romance, Manners, Dignity and Integrity. -Come one... Come All to the Masquerade Ball......
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