So Sorry I have not posted anything in so long but I ended up in the Emergency Room the last week.
May be TMI, but you need to know it all to semi understand the level of pain I have been dealing with for the past two weeks. The first four days I did not use my Prednisone thinking that resting and icing would get it back under control, Major Ouch, bad move do not copy me please!
But anyway here we go,
The ER visit revealed that I had Internal Hemorrhoids. Ouch # 1. In this case they are genetic not from straining.
My Two part Pelvic ultrasound found "Small Follicles" on both ovaries and during the past two weeks they have been taking turns 'popping'. Any Lady who has had this will understand this pain. Ouch #2.
Then I ended up with a severe AS (Ankylosing Spondylitis) flareup in my lower spine. Ouch #3. I am currently on Prednisone for it which has been helping which is why I am able to post today :o)
Then to top it all off, I just found out I also have Sensorineural Hearing Loss. 74% loss in my Left ear and 65% loss in my right ear. They want me to get a pair of Hearing Aids valued at $1900.00. There is no way I can do this and I have asked family for the help, but have not heard back so if anyone has received them through the Medicaid Program please chat at me please! All the hearing loss due to a stupid neighbor girl who lit a Ladyfinger Firecracker and stupidly kept holding it in her fingers even though I kept telling her to throw it down . However, She did suffer a consequence, lost part of her thumb. I am a bit angry about it, but I am choosing to forgive her.
I saw my doctor today and I am asking for the same doctor that put my IUD in as I do believe that I have had PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) all this time and the Mirena IUD has made it worse. Ouch #4. If any other lady has this, please, chat at me. I am curious to understand the PCOS Diet and which medication is the best one. On this note, I am scheduled for a Contrast CAT Scan to make sure there are no masses that Dr. Longo needs to know about.
My Pulse rate today was 100. my blood pressure was 104/72 and I have lost from 155 down to 147 without trying to lose weight. I am starting to get a bit worried here as my heartbeat has slowed down.
I am also trying to get the money for a plane ticket back home. I ended up being scammed By EZ Cash Advance and had to close my account and open a new one. I will try to get my link for Donations fixed later this evening if not , then it will be tomorrow morning. I am so sorry about the mess right now.
So please pray for me.
Until Next Time,

-The Journey of a lonely abused young girl who becomes a lovely Bride & Wife who suffers from multiple painful illnesses that are Chronic/Hidden and Mental Health issues. -She enjoys Crocheting, Altered Journals, Beading, Sewing, Quilting,Gardening, DIY furniture Flips when possible and Historical Romances. She also loves poetry. But most of all the Victorian Era of Romance, Manners, Dignity and Integrity. -Come one... Come All to the Masquerade Ball......
Monday, March 17, 2014
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Trying to Drown My Sorrow With Crafts
It has been very hard for me to be stuck in the western part of the United States while my family is in the Midwest. Especially knowing that my family truly needs me and not having the money to get a plane ticket to fly back home to help out.
So I have been drowning my sorrow in a few crafts.
I am going to finish my sweater necklace I am making. I am so excited about it as it is my own design, a OOAK....(One of a Kind).
So I have been drowning my sorrow in a few crafts.
Just a different perspective of the notebook I made. |
Me and My Ideas :o) |
The Butterfly and pearl wreath I had previously posted before I had finished it. It is now welcoming Spring and it will be used again for our Vow Renewal. |
This is the back of my Encouragement File I put together after reading +Joel Osteen's "Every Day a Friday" It is an awesome book and I highly recommend it ! |
This is the bottom part of the front. |
Aren't the Birdy and the butterfly just so sweet? |
This is the front part of the lid to my case. I tried to capture the two clear beads I used on the elastic you wrap around the envelope. |
I tried to get the birdy up close so you can make out what the stamp says inside the birdy itself. |
I am going to finish my sweater necklace I am making. I am so excited about it as it is my own design, a OOAK....(One of a Kind).
I have also made an Exercise Binder to help keep me motivated to not only exercise, but to eat healthier, to help me understand my illnesses better and how I can manage some of the symptoms. I still need to set up the time I want to do my exercises every day and I am going to change the exercises up so that I am not doing the same things day after day except for the stretching. Not sure when I will start, but I will let ya'll know when I do. My goal is to be able to walk down to the end of our field approximately a 1/4 mile without having to stop and rest every few steps for 20 minutes. I really want to walk down the aisle on my own two feet , arm and arm with my dear sweet husband Ben. It is going to take a bit as currently I am on a walker and a cane. Barely able to walk to the mailbox and to the front office at the clubhouse. :o( So please pray for me and wish me well in my adventure to learn to walk unaided again. My most important dream it is be able to dance with my husband on the eve of our Vow Renewal. I want to waltz to Beethoven and Bach. A true Victorian Romance *Swoons*
Woo me , My Darlin'. You have all of me, heart, body, mind and soul. I have eyes only for you. None other will do, only you for me, My One True Love. Heart and Soul you are the piece that makes me whole.
Until in Heaven we should meet, Only you make my heart beat. I shall profess my love for thee both near and far. {©2014 Karen M. Roth "Profession of Love"}
"Oh, How I love thee, Let me count the ways...." { Elizabeth Barrett Browning}
Until Next Time,
Woo me , My Darlin'. You have all of me, heart, body, mind and soul. I have eyes only for you. None other will do, only you for me, My One True Love. Heart and Soul you are the piece that makes me whole.
Until in Heaven we should meet, Only you make my heart beat. I shall profess my love for thee both near and far. {©2014 Karen M. Roth "Profession of Love"}
"Oh, How I love thee, Let me count the ways...." { Elizabeth Barrett Browning}
Until Next Time,
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